defense lawyer

Who Owes The Credit Card?


Dolly Defendant came to the mediation with her attorney whom we shall call Larry Lawyer.

Hazel Brown  represented Debt Buyer, L.L.C.

The case appeared to be routine – a person who had experienced some hard times and gotten behind on her credit card,  so I moved  through my opening statement  quickly.


Dolly had a credit card, in her name only, to which her husband had charged some of their business items, with her knowledge and permission. They subsequently got a divorce with the agreement and court order  that he would  take this debt after the divorce.

As the years went by, he became affluent and she took a job as an administrative assistant in a dental office and was the primary provider for their three children. He paid on the card after the divorce for some time but quit paying at the time when a $3000 balance remained.

The balance,  growing at 24.9 % (more…)